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>Hot n Spicy Veggies

1 May

>I love spicy foods. Sometimes just thinking about them makes me salivate. Like this Hot n Spicy Veggie mix… I’m about to run into the kitchen and make it now! If you thought you couldn’t indulge in some Mexican flavors on a raw vegan diet think again!

For veggie mix:
1 large carrot
2 stalks celery
1/4 jicama
3 T fresh made salsa (I used salsa verde I picked up at the deli counter)
For toppings:
5-10 spicy green olives (best if you can get them from the farmers market!)
1/4 cup sprouted seeds
1/2 avocado, cubed
Mince veggie mix in food processor. Transfer mix to serving plate, and top with additional ingredients. Stir if you feel compelled. Sprinkle with Cayenne pepper if desired. Eat Cold, enjoy!

>Cool Tabouli

27 Apr

>Freshly picked parsley and spearmint make this cool Tabouli refreshing. When you use the food processor, keep the consistency chunky instead of making a puree. For the raw vegetables, be creative, use what’s available in-season at your farmer’s market.

1 zucchini
1 large carrot
2 stalks celery
8 kalmata olives
6 leaves parsley
6 leaves spearmint
to garnish:
1 green onion
raw hemp seeds
olive oil
Combine vegetables, olives, and herbs in food processor until diced. Chop green onion into small slivers. Sprinkle veggie mixture with green onion and hemp seeds. Drizzle with olive oil and enjoy! Serves 2.